Exploring Australia's recent Fires


It seems to me that fires around Australia, well around Victoria where I am, have become more frequent, increased in intensity and are getting closer to highly populated areas. There is a lot of discussion over the possible connection between the fires and global warming.  The same thing can be said about floods, especially the 2011 floods, and rare weather events, like Hurricane Sandy. 

Here are some great resources to explore fires in Australia and the possible connection to climate change.

Fire and the connection to climate change

Fantastic article: What's Causing Australia's Heatwave? 

Bureau of Meteorology experts discuss the heatwave. Including information about the how the Australian-averaged maximum daily temperature reached record highs. 

Opinion article: The 2013 Climate Change Wake Up CallDr Paul Willis. Places the fires alongside other weather disasters like   Sandy and how it all links to climate change. 

What we have learnt from a history of Bushfires

'Eucalypts are firebombs waiting to go off.'

Video: John Barron explores the history of Australian Bush Fires. 

Opinion Article: A History of Vulnerability: Putting Tasmania's Bushfires in Perspective. Suggests we should not hastily conclude the link between climate change and the fires but put events in the context of Australian Bushfire history. 

Political Spin

Opinion Article: After the fires, climate change debate rages on Mungo Maccallum explores how the recent fires have been used in politics to further politicians agendas and provoke rather dodgy arguments denying climate change.

More Resources

Resource list: Larry Ferlazzo's list of resources to learn about Australian fires. Which inspired my post and is full of other interesting resources.

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