Student iPad app list! Please evaluate & offer suggestions #ipads #vicpln

I don't like lists of apps but sometimes they are needed. 

Here is a list of apps that  I would have students install on their iPads for use in a 1:1 program. 

Is 46 apps, plus the preinstalled apps, too many apps for a student device? 

Please feel free to provide some feedback on the apps suggested. 

What would you add to the list?   What would you take off it?

Here is a google drive document featuring the list:

To put the 1:1 iPad Program into context it will be run in an Australian Year 5/6 Primary School classroom, the students and teachers all have Google Education Apps accounts. Explaining the gmail, drive etc. 

It is envisioned that the 1:1 iPad program will support differentiation as the students will be able to consume high quality instructional media. However, the biggest positive is turning students into creators and collaborators. Who create and collaborate in purposeful ways to enhance theirs and others learning.

Much research, in class testing, discussion and consideration have gone in to the development of this app list. We have attempted to choose multifunction/purpose apps that can be used across multiple subjects and for multiple purposes. We have been mindful of price, workflow ability (especially with Google Education Apps like Drive) and usability for teachers and students.

Please contribute your thoughts below or in the document.

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