What attention grabbing strategy do you use in your classroom? #edchat #ozedchat

In my first semester of teaching I have tried out a few attention grabbing strategy. 

My Harmonica

First, I used my harmonica but I work in an open plan room and found that it distracted other groups when I sounded it. Also, many students get over excited and a little silly when I get it out. So the harmonica didn't last very long. 

Decreasing Volume Countdown

Second, I have been using my voice to conduct a countdown which gradually decreases in volume as I get towards one. I will say, "5-4-3-2-1" slowly allowing students to finish off the sentence they are working on or conversation before giving me their attention. I went to the AEU Student Teacher Conference in 2012 and the keynote speaker Glen Pearsall provided us with this strategy. I have found the 5 to 1 countdown very effective but I feel that my students are starting to become sick of it and slightly annoyed every time I do it. 

So now I am looking for a new attention grabbing strategy.

I am thinking on of either:

  • Cook Island Drum (Pictured) - I have a drum from my teaching placement in the Cook Islands which has a uniques sound and which the volume is easy to control. I see one possible negative about this is that students will become excited and distracted like they did with the harmonica.
  • Egg shaker thingy- I think I might buy an egg maraca shaker thingy and shake it to get students attention. 
  • Interactive White Board (IWB)Timer with buzzer- I usually have something displayed on the IWB for my students so I think that putting up the timer with buzzer might be another option.
What attention grabbing strategy would you suggest I should use?

Glen Pearsall has a few books full of great ideas like fist to five. These include And Gladly Teach, and Classroom Dynamics. 

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