4 tips for quality teaching, regarding assessment & feedback, via @joe_kirby @HuntingEnglish #edchat #ozedchat

I was blown away by the fantastic article by Joe Kirby about Feedback & Assessment, based on the work of Dylan William, which appeared on HuntingEnglish via Pragmatic Education. I took this four practical tips from the article.

4 feedback & assessment tips

1. Use Exemplars
to show students where we are going. Show high quality examples of student work that demonstrate what students should strive to achieve. 

2. Use Hinge questions to assess where students are at. Ask questions at moments in the lesson which provide you a glimpse of who understands and who doesn't. Have students answer with abcd cards or portable mini whiteboards. 

3. Use Exit slips/tickets/cards to assess where students are at. Ask a question at the end of lessons to assess what students have learnt. Get answers in their book or on slips you will collect.

4. Give Feedback in question format to suggest how we students will get to where we are going. When correcting place icons or numbers on student work that indicate what questions you want students to answer during the next lesson in relation to their work. Display the questions with the icon or number and give students time to answer. I will often leave feedback questions for students such as, "How could you make it clear which character is talking?" when dialogue formatting is absent. Rather than writing this ten times I can write it once and also ensure students respond to my feedback by using this approach. 

Check out the original article here http://pragmaticreform.wordpress.com/2013/03/30/afl/ 

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