Reap the benefits of mindfulness in your classroom with buddhify

Mindfulness, or training yourself to be fully in the moment, has many benefits:
+reduced stress.
+increased academic performance
+improved decision making
+a boosted brain
+healthier lifestyle choices.

Mindfullness in education

Your classroom, your students and you may benefit from practicing mindfulness throughout the school day. I undertook professional development on mindfulness in education, which included mindful meditation led by the instructor. I found that I was much more relaxed following the sessions. However, I am no meditation guru. I felt uncomfortable leading sessions for my class and struggled to do mindful meditation myself.

Enter buddhify

buddhify2 $2.99 is an iOS app that features a number of short audio recorded meditation walk-throughs, that are designed to be incorporated into your day. Use the buddhify2 meditation sessions with your class, or by yourself, and start reaping the benefits of mindfullnessbuddhify2 $2.99

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