Learn a lil, Learn a lil code!

I am loving learning to code through codecademy.com and the whole learning process is contributing to my development as a teacher.

What I love about codecademy.com!

  • I love being able to start off from exactly where I was up to the last time I logged on. Whether that be an hour or a month ago.
  • I love getting acknowledge for the effort I put in and how I am developing as a coder.
  • Most of all I love how if I get stuck I can ask (or search) the Forum and find the support I need.
    • I was having major troubles with the below exercise. In the forum I found others were having similar problems and experts were offering them solutions
      • a) I don't feel like a big goose for not understanding straight away.
      • b) I get immediate answers to my queries and my learning can move on

What teachers can take from codecademy.com that can be applied to any classroom.

  • Figure out where your students are up to and provide them with experiences that hit that point and allow them to develop.
  • Acknowledge and celebrate all progress whether that be minuscule achievements from advanced learners or monumental development from students below the expected level.
  •  Create an environment in which students feel comfortable enough to ask for help (from the teacher or students) when they need it.
I encourage anyone and everyone to jump onto codecademy.com and 'Learn a lil, learn a lil' coding.

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