'What most schools don't teach' Video and Resources Follow up

Code.org trended in the education circles yesterday with its video 'What most schools don't teach.'

Below is another video which touches on similar themes from Ted Talks. Mitch Resnick the founder of Scratch talk on the topic 'Let's teach kids to code.'Available here!

A blog post on similar themes from Richard Byrne at Free Technology for Teachers here!

Self motivated students!

Many students in my classroom are teaching themselves coding skills using scratch.mit.edu and codeacademy.com.

I highly recommend that all teachers share codeacademey.com, scratch.com and code.org with their students. Once students find out about these resources they are highly motivated to teach themselves programming skills and from my experience code academy's set up lets you work on those skills in a supportive environment at your own pace.

Please suggest other resources for learning and teaching life long learners to code?

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